Hayleys Energy Services commences SL’s first oil and gas drillship lay-up at Hambantota Int’l Port

Monday, 17 December 2018: Declaring Sri Lanka’s entry into the global oil and gas marine vessel lay-up services industry and opening the doors to a world of new opportunities for the nation’s shipping industry, Hayleys Energy Services (HES), announced the arrival of the oil and gas drillship ‘Aban Abraham’ for a warm lay-up to the…

Dipped Products posts Rs. 553M PBT in 1H 2018/19

  Strong gains from performance improvement initiatives in local operations and significant contribution from overseas marketing operations have generated noteworthy profit growth in 1H of 2018/19 for the Dipped Products Group, a global leader in hand protection. According to figures filed with the Colombo Stock Exchange, the Hayleys Group’s globally-ranked subsidiary achieved a profit before…

Hayleys and Martin Bauer join forces to serve global high quality tea extracts demand

Iconic Sri Lankan multinational Hayleys PLC and Germany’s botanicals giant Martin Bauer Group (MBG) announce a historic joint venture partnership in Hayleys Global Beverages Ltd. (HGBL). “We are extremely proud to announce the historic partnership between the Hayleys Group and Germany’s Martin Bauer Group; one of the world’s most respected and successful players in the…

Hayleys PLC Retains Top Spot in LMD 100 Rankings

In a pre-publication release to Daily FT, the publisher of leading business magazine LMD, Media Services, announced its top 20 line-up in the upcoming LMD 100 special edition. With its consolidated revenue exceeding Rs. 163 billion this year, Hayleys is ranked at No 1 in the 25th edition of Sri Lanka’s pioneering listed company rankings for the financial year 2017/18, marking its second consecutive year in which the company has been ranked the highest amongst Sri…

Hayleys Group crowned among ICCSL-CIMA Top 10 Most Admired Companies of Sri Lanka

Iconic diversified conglomerate in Sri Lanka, Hayleys PLC, continued to consolidate its steadfast reputation as a source of innovation and business excellence, having secured a place among the inaugural Top 10 Most Admired Companies of Sri Lanka.   Jointly organised by the International Chamber of Commerce, Sri Lanka (ICCSL) and the Chartered Institute of Management…